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Company Profile Acquisition Thesis

EGB Capital is born out of the idea of long-term investments in enduringly profitable private firms to support value creation and community building.


EGB (Éirinn go Brách) Capital focuses on acquiring and holding Western Canadian private B2B firms with revenue of $3M to $5M using the Entrepreneurship through Acquisition model. The firms acquired are long-term investments, and EGB supports the growth of the people within its operating companies through strategic growth planning and modernization. The long-term outlook also enables sustainable practices in which our people and community will benefit. We welcome change and strive for excellence in all we do. Growth will provide opportunities for the people employed in our firms and it will support us in our mission of creating value for all.


EGB Capital's values and principles are rooted in the management and leadership philosophies of Charles (Chuck) Feeney. The first hotel Joseph worked at 33 years ago in Ireland was owned by an entity controlled by Chuck and the holding company was called EGB Ireland Limited. Chuck had a vision to inspire and support the growth of others through education and the support of institutions that create lifelong learners. Joseph was directly impacted by educational support and employment from Chuck's initiatives through Atlantic Philanthropies, he will forever be grateful and seeks to pay it forward. Feeney was called the "James Bond of Philanthropy" by Forbes magazine for the stealthy and successful manner in which he anonymously donated approximately $8 billion to various charities - Dwyer, Jim (January 5, 2017). "'James Bond of Philanthropy' Gives Away the Last of His Fortune". The New York Times. Retrieved January 5, 2017.

Chuck Feeney

Image From       @MartinOBrien17

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